Lifestyle Medicine

Whilst your modern lifestyle might be nice – it might also be making you seriously ill! Medical experts agree that poor lifestyle is the cause of much ill health, including chronic and dangerous conditions like heart disease, Type 2 diabetes, high blood pressure, stroke, asthma and depression.
The good news is that many illnesses can be better managed – and even reversed – simply by improving your lifestyle.

Modern Medicine V Lifestyle Medicine

Take a look at this tree diagram to visualise how lifestyle medicine gets to the root cause of issues.

Modern medicine is undoubtedly amazing, but it’s approach is best suited for acute conditions as it tackles illnesses from the top down, i.e. suppressing symptoms.
Lifestyle medicine gets to the root cause of chronic lifestyle-related illnesses. It helps you balance the four pillars of your lifestyle to heal dysregulated bodily systems and inflammation that lead to this type of ill health.

Working with me, we can simplify your lifestyle into these four pillars of wellness.

Lifestyle Medicine for Weight Loss

Yoyo dieting and calorie-counting doesn’t work to keep weight off long-term. Balancing your hormones and optimising your metabolic health is the KEY to sustainable, healthy weight loss.
Discover how my 90-day programme can help you achieve this.